Benefits of Hiring Contractors vs. Employees in Ontario

Benefits of Hiring a Contractor vs. an Employee in Ontario

Exploring the choice between hiring a contractor vs an employee is a pivotal decision for businesses in Ontario. This distinction holds significant implications, influencing the way companies operate, manage resources, and navigate legal obligations.

In this article, we delve into the reasons why this decision matters and how it can impact employers, guiding you through the practical advantages each option offers within the Ontario context.

Employee vs a Contractor Under Ontario Employment Law

Contractors and employees represent distinct employment relationships under Ontario employment law, each with its employment status and its own set of rights, responsibilities, and implications.

What Is a Contractor?

Contractors are individuals or entities that are engaged by a company for specific projects, tasks, or services. They are brought on board to deliver specialized skills or expertise without becoming integral parts of the company’s workforce. This arrangement offers several distinct characteristics:

  • Independence: Contractors operate with a greater degree of independence. They often have control over how they complete their tasks and are responsible for managing their own work methods. This autonomy extends to decisions about the tools, equipment, and resources they use to fulfill their contractual obligations.
  • Project-Based Engagement: Contractors are typically engaged for a specific project or a set of tasks with well-defined objectives. Once the entire project itself is completed or the tasks are fulfilled, the engagement may come to an end, although contracts can be renewed for subsequent projects.
  • Control over Schedule: Contractors generally have more flexibility in setting their work schedules. They can choose when and how they complete their work, as long as they meet the agreed-upon deadlines and deliverables.
  • Invoicing: Unlike employees who receive regular paychecks, contractors invoice the company for their services. This billing process is often based on the terms outlined in the contract and may include factors that determine, like the scope of work, hourly rates, and other relevant considerations.

Concerned About Contractor vs. Employee Classification?

Misclassifying employees as contractors—or vice versa—can lead to significant legal and financial risks for both individuals and companies. Understanding the distinctions and implications under Ontario’s employment laws is crucial. Achkar Law specializes in clarifying these complex issues, offering guidance to ensure compliance and protect all parties’ rights. If you’re uncertain about your or your workers’ classification, we’re here to help.

Entitlements and Legal Protections

Despite the flexibility and autonomy that come with being a contractor, there are crucial differences in terms of entitlements and legal protections:

  • Benefits: Contractors are not entitled to the same employment benefits that employees receive. This includes benefits such as vacation pay, sick leave, health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks that are often provided to employees.
  • Employment Standards Act (ESA) Protections: Contractors do not receive the same level of protection under the Ontario Employment Standards Act as employees do. The ESA sets out minimum standards for things like minimum wage, hours of work, overtime pay, and termination notice, which are applicable to employees but not contractors.
  • Tax and Deductions: Contractors are responsible for managing their own taxes, including income tax and contributions to various benefit plans such the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or the Employment Insurance (EI) program. Employees, on the other hand, have these deductions automatically handled by their employers.

What Is an Employee?

Employees constitute an essential part of a company’s workforce and have a distinct working relationship with their employer. This employment relationship is marked by a structured framework and legal protections:

  • Direction and Control: Employees work under the direction and control of their employer. They follow company policies, procedures, and guidelines, carrying out their tasks and responsibilities as outlined by their specific job descriptions and organizational expectations.
  • Integration into the Workforce: Unlike contractors who are engaged for specific projects or tasks, employees are often integrated into the company’s daily operations. They contribute to the ongoing functions of the business and become an integral part of the workforce.
  • Benefits and Entitlements: One of the most significant advantages of being an employee is access to a range of benefits and entitlements. Employees are entitled to benefits such as minimum wage, overtime pay, vacation pay, and statutory holiday pay as mandated by the Ontario Employment Standards Act (ESA).
  • Workplace Protections: The ESA provides employees with essential workplace protections, including regulations around hours of work, breaks, termination notice, and severance pay. These protections aim to ensure fair treatment and proper working conditions for employees across the province.

Employer Responsibilities

For employers, the ongoing relationship with the employee relationship entails certain legal and financial responsibilities:

  • Deductions and Contributions: Employers are responsible for deducting the appropriate income tax, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, and Employment Insurance (EI) premiums from their employees’ paychecks. These deductions are then remitted to the respective government agencies.
  • Benefits Administration: Employers often provide various benefits to employees, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks. Administering these benefits and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations is an integral part of managing the employer-employee relationship.
  • Compliance with ESA: Employers must adhere to the regulations outlined in the ESA to ensure that employees receive their entitled benefits, proper compensation, and legal protections. Failure to comply with these standards can lead to legal consequences.

What Are The Benefits Of Hiring Independent Contractors In Ontario?

When it comes to meeting specific business needs and navigating the dynamic landscape of Ontario’s employment laws, hiring contractors offers several distinct advantages:

Expertise on Demand

Contractors are often engaged for their specialized skills and expertise in a particular field. Whether it’s graphic design, IT consulting, or marketing strategy, contractors bring a focused skill set that aligns with the demands of a specific project. This allows businesses to tap into external talent on an as-needed basis, avoiding the overhead costs associated with full-time employees.

Flexibility and Agility

Engaging contractors provides businesses with the flexibility to scale their workforce up or down based on project requirements. When a project is complete, the contractual business relationship can be concluded without the obligations that come with retaining a full-time employee. This agility is particularly beneficial for businesses operating in industries with fluctuating demands.

Reduced Administrative Burden

Contractors operate as independent entities, responsible for their operating expenses and managing their own taxes, benefits, and insurance costs. This relieves businesses from the administrative burdens associated with payroll, deductions, and compliance with various employment regulations. As a result, companies can focus more on project execution and less on administrative intricacies.

Specialized Insights

Contractors often bring fresh perspectives and insights from working with a variety of clients across different industries. This external viewpoint can prove invaluable when tackling complex projects or seeking innovative business solutions. The infusion of diverse ideas can lead to enhanced creativity and problem-solving within the company.


Hiring contractors can be cost-effective, especially for short-term projects or specialized tasks. Businesses can avoid expenses like employee benefits, paid time off, and long-term commitments. Contractors are typically responsible for their own expenses, such as equipment and tools, which can further reduce financial burdens on the hiring company.

Mitigated Legal Risks

Since independent contractors are distinct from employees, businesses may face fewer legal risks in terms of wrongful dismissal claims, entitlements under the Employment Standards Act, and related issues. However, it’s crucial to ensure proper worker classification to avoid potential misclassification disputes.

What Are The Benefits Of Hiring An Employee?

Employing full-time or part-time employees comes with its own set of advantages that cater to the long-term stability and growth of businesses in Ontario:

Commitment and Dedication

Employees often bring a higher level of commitment and dedication to a company’s mission and goals. As integral members of the workforce, they have a vested interest in the success of the organization, leading to increased loyalty and a stronger sense of belonging.

Consistency and Longevity

Hiring employees fosters consistency in the work environment. With a stable workforce, businesses can build and maintain company culture, customer relationships, and operational routines more effectively. Employees who are invested in their roles tend to stay with the company over the long term, contributing to institutional knowledge and reducing turnover costs.

Development of In-House Expertise

Employees have the opportunity to grow and develop within the company, acquiring deep knowledge of its operations, industry, and clientele. Over time, this in-house expertise can lead to innovative ideas, improved processes, and enhanced problem-solving capabilities, factors that contribute to the company’s competitive advantage.

Team Collaboration and Synergy

Employees collaborate more closely and consistently with their colleagues, fostering teamwork and synergy. The daily interactions and shared experiences among employees often result in better communication, smoother project execution, and a strong sense of camaraderie that enhances overall productivity.

Training and Skill Development

Hiring employees allows businesses to invest in their growth through training and skill development programs. As employees acquire new competencies, they can contribute to various areas of the company, potentially taking on more responsibilities and expanding their roles.

Access to Employment Standards Act Protections

Employees hired in Ontario are entitled to various benefits and protections under the Employment Standards Act (ESA). These include minimum wage, overtime pay, vacation pay, statutory holiday entitlements, and protection against unfair treatment or dismissal. Adhering to the ESA ensures that employees are treated fairly and that companies maintain legal compliance.

Enhanced Loyalty and Company Reputation

Employment opportunities that offer comprehensive benefits and job security tend to attract loyal employees who actively promote building the company’s positive reputation within their networks. A reputation as a desirable employer can lead to increased interest from top talent in the industry.

Importance of Proper Classification

Misclassifying a worker as a contractor or an employee can lead to legal complications and potential liabilities. Ontario’s Ministry of Labour places great importance on accurate worker classification to ensure fair treatment, proper taxation, and adherence to employment standards. Failing to classify workers correctly can result in penalties and back payments for unpaid taxes, vacation pay, and other entitlements.

Both the Employment Standards Act2000, and the Canada Labour Code prohibit the misclassification of employees for provincially and federally regulated employees, respectively.

If a contractor claims to be an employee, then the onus is on the business to prove otherwise. If an employee is found to have been misclassified as a contractor, the employer will likely have to pay for unplanned damages and expenses.

Employees and contractors are taxed differently which makes the Canada Revenue Agency particularly sensitive to this subject area. It is essential for the businesses to do a proactive review of their workforce and contracts to ensure their workforce is classified correctly.

In Warren v 2006515 Ontario Inc, 2005 CanLII 1757the Ontario Labour Relations Board held that the claimant was an employee of the company even though the business had classified her as a contractor, since the business had control over her activities, provided her with equipment’s for work, and had ultimate control to determine what product would be stocked. As a result, the claimant had essentially no opportunity for profit or risk of loss.

How an Employment Lawyer Can Help

In the intricate landscape of hiring contractors and employees in Ontario, the expertise of an employment lawyer can prove invaluable. An employment lawyer specializes in understanding the nuances of employment laws and regulations, ensuring that businesses make informed decisions while safeguarding their legal interests.

Contractual Clarity

Employment lawyers can help draft and review contracts for both contractors and employees. For contractors, a well-crafted contract or written agreement outlines the scope of work, deliverables, payment terms, and other essential details to avoid misunderstandings. For employees, employment contracts define the terms of the working relationship, including compensation, job responsibilities, and benefits.

Classification Guidance

Accurately classifying workers as contractors or employees is critical to legal compliance. An employment lawyer can assess a worker’s employment status and the nature of the working relationship, ensuring that each worker is correctly classified according to the guidelines set by Ontario’s employment laws. This proactive approach mitigates the financial risk because of misclassification disputes down the line.

Compliance with Regulations

Navigating the Employment Standards Act and other relevant regulations can be complex. Employment lawyers stay up-to-date with the latest legal developments and ensure that businesses are compliant with various employment standards, from minimum wage to working hours to termination procedures.

Dispute Resolution

Should disputes arise between employers and contractors or employees, employment lawyers can provide guidance and representation. They can help mediate conflicts, negotiate settlements, and, if necessary, represent clients in legal proceedings to protect their interests and rights.

Policy Development

Employment lawyers assist in developing internal policies and procedures that align with legal requirements and best practices. These policies can cover areas such as workplace harassment, discrimination, accommodation, and health and safety, fostering a respectful and legally compliant work environment.

Termination and Severance

When terminating contracts or employment relationships, an employment lawyer can guide businesses through the process to ensure it is carried out legally and ethically. This includes advising on severance packages, notice periods, and any legal implications that may arise.

In Summary

The decision to hire contractors or employees in Ontario carries significant implications for businesses, encompassing legal responsibilities, working relationships, and overall operational efficiency. Recognizing the advantages of each option can guide businesses in making informed choices tailored to their specific needs.

Contractors offer specialized skills, flexibility, and reduced administrative burdens. Their expertise and services can be engaged on-demand for specific projects, promoting agility and cost-efficiency. However, contractors do not benefit from the same entitlements as employees and must manage their own taxes and benefits.

Employees contribute commitment, consistency, and in-house expertise. Their structured roles foster long-term employee dedication and collaboration, supporting the company’s growth and reputation. Employees are entitled to various benefits and protections under the Employment Standards Act, and their classification demands compliance with employment regulations.

In the complex landscape of worker engagement, the guidance of an employment lawyer proves invaluable. Employment lawyers assist with contractual clarity, accurate worker classification, compliance with regulations, dispute resolution, policy development, and termination processes. Their expertise ensures legal compliance, financial risk mitigation, and ethical treatment of all parties involved.

Further Reading

Contact Achkar Law

If you’re a business in need of advice or seeking assistance with drafting or updating agreements, or if you’re a contractor or employee looking to clarify your rights or have your agreement reviewed, our team of seasoned employment lawyers at Achkar Law is here to provide the guidance you require.

Contact us by phone toll-free at 1 (800) 771-7882.

Concerned About Contractor vs. Employee Classification?

Misclassifying employees as contractors—or vice versa—can lead to significant legal and financial risks for both individuals and companies. Understanding the distinctions and implications under Ontario’s employment laws is crucial. Achkar Law specializes in clarifying these complex issues, offering guidance to ensure compliance and protect all parties’ rights. If you’re uncertain about your or your workers’ classification, we’re here to help.